Battleshipcraft Fleets Wiki

This RP session has officially ended. This wiki now serves as an archive for the events that occurred. All territory, political, and military statuses have been finalized.

Thank you for participating.

- Tankswinger 
Battleship Craft Fleets

Battleship Craft Fleets is the Sister Wikia for Battleship Craft Galaxies Wiki in which the Real Life Timeline has been partially altered but remains largely the same. For the game, visit Battleship Craft Wiki.

Wanna join a fleet? First, check out our Rules to familiarize yourself with our standards. Then come check out the Recruitment Sheet where you can find the best fleet to join.

Planning to start your own fleet though? Check out our Fleet Guidelines to understand how to maintain and operate a fleet. Then, check the Map Room to see if the place you want is available.

Wanna discuss stuff and goof around with other members? Join our Discord with this link here.

Latest Activity

News and Events
  • World War III is coming to a close.
  • Battleshipcraft Navies has officially been shut down, all RP operations have been moved to Battleshipcraft Galaxies.

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Sister Wikias

These are the Sister Wikias of BSCF.


The general things you should know.
